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Graph: dbPix image storage vs OLE Embedding and Linking in Microsoft Access

DBPix Sample Source Code: frmImages
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Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Current()
    ' When moving to a different/new record, update the DBPix Control to display the image
End Sub

Private Sub btnClear_Click()
    ' Clear the path and update the DBPix control
    Me![PhotoPath] = Null
End Sub

Private Sub btnLoad_Click()
    Dim strInputFileName As String
    ' Display a 'File Open' dialog to choose a file
    strInputFileName = ChooseFile

    ' Check that the user chose a file
    If Len(strInputFileName) > 0 Then
        ' Check that the path is beneath 'BASE_PATH' (i.e. relative to BASE_PATH)
        If (Left(strInputFileName, Len(BASE_PATH)) = BASE_PATH) Then
            Dim strRelativePath As String
            ' Strip BASE_PATH from the chosen path to leave the relative part
            strRelativePath = Right(strInputFileName, Len(strInputFileName) - Len(BASE_PATH))
            ' Save the relative path in the table
            Me![PhotoPath] = strRelativePath
            ' Update the DBPix Control to display the image
            ' User chose a path that was not below BASE_PATH - display an error message
            MsgBox "The selected file is not under the Photo root", Title:="Photo Error"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateImage()
    Dim strPhotoRelativePath As String
    Dim strFullPhotoPath As String

    ' Get the relative path from the table, handling null values
    strPhotoRelativePath = Nz(Me![PhotoPath], "")

    ' Check that the relative path is not empty
    If Len(strPhotoRelativePath) > 0 Then
        ' Prepend the relative path with BASE_PATH, to create an absolute path
        strFullPhotoPath = BASE_PATH + strPhotoRelativePath
        ' Check that the file exists
        If Len(Dir(strFullPhotoPath)) > 0 Then
            ' Display the image and exit
            Me!DBPixCtrl.ImageViewFile strFullPhotoPath
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ' If we reach here one of the previous conditions was not satisfied - clear the control
    Me!DBPixCtrl.ImageViewBlob Null
End Sub

Private Sub DBPixCtrl_DblClick()
    ' Open a popup form with a large view of the image
    Dim strPhotoRelativePath As String
    Dim strFullPhotoPath As String

    ' Get the relative path from the table, handling null values
    strPhotoRelativePath = Nz(Me![PhotoPath], "")

    ' Check that the relative path is not empty
    If Len(strPhotoRelativePath) > 0 Then
        ' Prepend the relative path with BASE_PATH, to create an absolute path
        strFullPhotoPath = BASE_PATH + strPhotoRelativePath
        ' Check that the file exists
        If Len(Dir(strFullPhotoPath)) > 0 Then
            ' Build a 'WHERE' clause to filter to the current record using the current Id
            Dim strWhereCategory
            strWhereCategory = "[Id ]=" & Me!Id
            ' Open the Zoom form as a popup, using the WHERE clause
            DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZoom", acNormal, , strWhereCategory, , acDialog
        End If
    End If
End Sub

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