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Graph: DBPix image storage vs OLE Embedding and Linking in Microsoft Access

DBPix Sample Source Code: frmMain
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Option Explicit
Option Compare Database

' When the user deletes a record we have to save the current Id in order to delete the image files
' after the delete is confirmed
Dim DeleteImgId As Long
Dim arrDeleteSubImgIds As Variant

Dim EditMode As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Initialize EditMode
    EditMode = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()

    Dim DetailImgPath As String

    DBPixThumb.ImageViewBlob (Null)

    If IsNull(Me!Id) Then
        DBPixMain.ImageViewBlob (Null)
        DetailImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & Me!Id & ".jpg"
        If Dir(DetailImgPath) <> vbNullString Then
            DBPixMain.ImageViewFile DetailImgPath
            DBPixMain.ImageViewBlob (Null)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub DBPixMain_ImageModified()

    Dim DetailImgPath As String
    Dim ThumbImgPath As String
    'In order to have access to the autonumber value (for the filename) we must have modified the record,
    ' so update the ImageModified field
    Me!ImageModified = Now()
    DetailImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & Me!Id & ".jpg"
    ThumbImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & Me!Id & "t.jpg"

    If DBPixMain.ImageBytes < 1 Then
        ' Image is empty/cleared/deleted
        ' Clear the thumbnail control
        DBPixThumb.ImageViewBlob (Null)
        ' Delete the detail and thumbnail image files if they exist
        If Dir(DetailImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill DetailImgPath
        If Dir(ThumbImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill ThumbImgPath
         ' Save the image
        If DBPixMain.ImageSaveFile(DetailImgPath) Then
            DBPixThumb.ImageLoadBlob (DBPixMain.Image)
            DBPixThumb.ImageSaveFile (ThumbImgPath)
            ' Error saving - main image - clear the thumbnail control
            DBPixThumb.ImageViewBlob (Null)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

' Open the Zoom (detail) view when the main image is clicked
Private Sub DBPixMain_Click()

    Dim ImgPath As String
    ImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & Me!Id & ".jpg"
    ' Don't open the zoomform unless the image exists
    If Dir(ImgPath) <> vbNullString Then
        Dim strWhereCategory
        strWhereCategory = "[Id ]=" & Me!Id
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZoomMainImg", acNormal, , strWhereCategory, , acDialog
    End If
End Sub

' Switch between sub-image 'View' mode and 'Edit' mode (swaps between the 2 subforms)
Private Sub btnEditSubImages_Click()
    If EditMode Then
        subSubImages.SourceObject = "fsubViewSubImg"
        subSubImages.LinkChildFields = "ItemId"
        subSubImages.LinkMasterFields = "Id"
        EditMode = False
        btnEditSubImages.Caption = "Edit"
        subSubImages.SourceObject = "fsubEditSubImg"
        subSubImages.LinkChildFields = "ItemId"
        subSubImages.LinkMasterFields = "Id"
        EditMode = True
        btnEditSubImages.Caption = "View"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
    ' Record delete about to occur - save the record Id's so we can delete the image files if the delete is confirmed
    DeleteImgId = 0
    If IsArray(arrDeleteSubImgIds) Then Set arrDeleteSubImgIds = Nothing
    If Not IsNull(Me!Id) Then
        ' Save the Id of the main image so that the image files can be deleted in AfterDelConfirm
        DeleteImgId = Me!Id

        ' Fetch the Id's of the sub images and save in an array, so that the image files can be deleted in AfterDelConfirm
        Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
        Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

        Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
        Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

        With rst
            .ActiveConnection = cn
            .Source = "SELECT ImageId FROM tblItemSubImages WHERE ItemId = " & Me!Id
            .LockType = adLockOptimistic
            .CursorType = adOpenStatic
        End With

        If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then arrDeleteSubImgIds = rst.GetRows

        Set rst = Nothing
        Set cn = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
    If Status = acDeleteOK Then
        If DeleteImgId > 0 Then
            Dim DetailImgPath As String
            Dim ThumbImgPath As String

            DetailImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & DeleteImgId & ".jpg"
            ThumbImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\main\" & DeleteImgId & "t.jpg"
            ' Delete the detail and thumbnail image files if they exist
            If Dir(DetailImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill DetailImgPath
            If Dir(ThumbImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill ThumbImgPath
        End If
        If IsArray(arrDeleteSubImgIds) Then
            Dim x As Integer
            For x = 0 To UBound(arrDeleteSubImgIds, 2)
                DetailImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\sub\" & arrDeleteSubImgIds(0, x) & ".jpg"
                ThumbImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\sub\" & arrDeleteSubImgIds(0, x) & "t.jpg"
                If Dir(DetailImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill DetailImgPath
                If Dir(ThumbImgPath) <> vbNullString Then Kill ThumbImgPath
            Next x
        End If
    End If
    Set arrDeleteSubImgIds = Nothing
    DeleteImgId = 0
End Sub

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