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Graph: DBPix image storage vs OLE Embedding and Linking in Microsoft Access

DBPix Sample Source Code: fsubViewSubImage
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Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Const PageSize = 8          ' Number of images displayed per 'page'
Dim CurrentPage As Long     ' The current 'page' number

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

' Array of Id's for each record (image), used to open Detail (Zoom) form at a specific record
Dim Id(1 To PageSize) As Long

Private Sub Form_Close()
    Set rst = Nothing   ' Free any open recordset
End Sub

' Fires when this subform initially opened, and when navigating through *master* records
Private Sub Form_Current()
    CurrentPage = 1
    ' ItemId is the Id of the master record, via the subform linked Master/Child fields.
    If Not Me!ItemId And Me!ItemId <> "" Then   ' Make sure master record Id not Null or empty

        Set rst = Nothing               ' Free any open recordset
        Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset   ' Create new recordset
        With rst
            .PageSize = PageSize
            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
            .Source = "SELECT ImageId FROM tblItemSubImages WHERE ItemId = " & Me!ItemId
            .LockType = adLockOptimistic
            .CursorType = adOpenStatic
        End With

        ' No sub-images for this record
        NextBtn.Enabled = False
        PrevBtn.Enabled = False
        PageLabel.Value = "Page 1 of 1"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub NextBtn_Click()
    CurrentPage = CurrentPage + 1
End Sub

Private Sub PrevBtn_Click()
    CurrentPage = CurrentPage - 1
End Sub

Private Sub ClearControls()
    ' Loop through the DBPix controls, clear the image and reset the record Id
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To PageSize
        Me("ActiveXCtl" & i).ImageViewBlob Null     ' Clear the image
        Id(i) = -1                                  ' Store a blank Id
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateControls()
    ' Get the number of pages, and update the text and Prev/Next button states
    Dim NumPages As Long
    NumPages = rst.PageCount

    PageLabel.Value = "Page " & CurrentPage & " of " & NumPages

    ' Check CurrentPage within valid limits
    If CurrentPage > NumPages Then CurrentPage = NumPages
    If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
    ' Move recordset to the page we want to display
    rst.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
    'Update Prev/Next buttons
    If CurrentPage = NumPages Then
        DoCmd.GoToControl "ActiveXCtl1"     ' Make sure focus not on 'NextBtn' before disabling
        NextBtn.Enabled = False
        NextBtn.Enabled = True
    End If

    If CurrentPage = 1 Then
        DoCmd.GoToControl "ActiveXCtl1"     ' Make sure focus not on 'PrevBtn' before disabling
        PrevBtn.Enabled = False
        PrevBtn.Enabled = True
    End If
    Dim BasePath As String
    Dim ImgPath As String
    BasePath = GetImgFolder & "\images\sub\"
    ' Loop through the DBPix controls displaying the images. The DBPix controls must be named
    ' ActiveXCtl1, ActiveXCtl2, ActiveXCtl3 etc (up to the value of 'PageSize').
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To PageSize
        If (Not rst.EOF) Then
            ImgPath = BasePath & rst("ImageId") & "t.jpg"
            If Dir(ImgPath) <> vbNullString Then
                Me("ActiveXCtl" & i).ImageViewFile ImgPath
            End If
            Id(i) = rst("ImageId")
        End If
    Next i

End Sub

' Generic handler for clicks - opens 'Zoom' view
Private Sub HandleClick(Id As Long)
    If (Id > -1) Then
        Dim ImgPath As String
        ImgPath = GetImgFolder & "\images\sub\" & Id & ".jpg"
        ' Don't open the zoomform unless the image exists
        If Dir(ImgPath) <> vbNullString Then
            ' Open Zoom form, passing a 'WHERE' condition to specify which image to show.
            DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZoomSubImg", acNormal, , "[ImageId ]=" & Id, , acDialog
        End If
    End If
End Sub

' Click event handlers for each control
Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(1))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl2_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(2))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl3_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(3))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl4_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(4))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl5_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(5))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl6_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(6))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl7_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(7))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

Private Sub ActiveXCtl8_Click()
    HandleClick (Id(8))         ' Open Zoom form, using Id associated with this image
End Sub

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