DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

Property, Method & Event Summary

properties   -   methods   -   events

Ambient Properties 
AmbientBackColorThe background color exposed by the container.  This color will be used to draw the the background if the UseAmbientBackColor property is set to TRUE (default).  This property cannot be changed directly. 

Stock Properties 
BackColorAn alternative choice of background color which will be used if the UseAmbientBackColor property is set to FALSE.

Custom Properties 


The Image itself.   In data-bound operation this property will not need to be manipulated directly.
ImageBPPReturns color-depth in bits-per-pixel of the current image (read-only).
ImageBytesReturns the size of the current image in bytes (read-only).
ImageColorModeReturns the color-mode (e.g RGB Color, Indexed Color, Grayscale) of the current image (read-only).
ImageDitherMethodSpecifies the dithering method used if the storage format and format parameters require the creation of a palette..
ImageFormatReturns the file-format of the current image (read-only).
ImageHeightReturns the height of the current image in pixels (read-only).
ImageKeepMetaDataControls whether image metadata (such as EXIF camera information) is retained or discarded when an image is encoded.
ImagePaletteMethodSpecifies the method used to generate a palette, if the storage format and format parameters require the creation of a palette.
ImagePreviewModeReserved for future enhancement.
ImageResampleHeightSpecifies the dimensions at which images should be stored if ImageResampleMode = Fixed.
ImageResampleModeSpecifies how images should be resized when they are stored.  Images can be stored at their original size, resized to fit within the area of the control, or resized to fit within the dimensions specified in ImageResampleWidth and ImageResampleHeight.
ImageResampleWidthSpecifies the dimensions at which images should be stored if ImageResampleMode = Fixed.
ImageSaveFormatSpecifies the format images are stored in (JPEG or PNG).
ImageWidthReturns the width of the current image in pixels (read-only).
JPEGColorModeSpecifies the color mode for saving JPEG images (color, grayscale or original).
JPEGEncodingSelects either Sequential or Progressive JPEG encoding.
JPEGNoRecompressPrevents recompression of JPEG images (only if not resampling).
JPEGQualitySpecifies the JPEG quality setting to be applied when an image is stored in the JPEG format, range 0-100.   A lower value results in a smaller image of lower quality.
JPEGRotateWarningDetermines the action taken when attempting Lossless JPEG Rotation of an image with partially complete JPEG blocks.
PNGColorDepthSpecifies the color/bit-depth used when storing images in the PNG format.
PNGCompressionSpecifies the compression scheme  used when storing images in the PNG format.
PNGFilterSpecifies the filter type used when storing images in the PNG format.
PNGInterlaceSpecifies the interlace type used when storing images in the PNG format.
UseAmbientBackColorSelects between the container's ambient Background color and the value specified in the BackColor (stock) property.
ViewAsyncDecodingSelects between Asynchronous (background) or Synchronous decoding when displaying images.
ViewEnableMouseZoomEnables or disables the use of the Ctrl and Shift keys at runtime to zoom in and out using the mouse.
ViewHAlignDetermines how the image should be aligned within the control if the current view settings and zoom result in an image that is narrower than the control. 
ViewInitialZoomChooses the initial zoom setting for displaying images.
ViewMenuModeControls which menu-items are available to the user at runtime.
ViewVAlignDetermines how the image should be aligned within the control if the current view settings and zoom result in an image that is shorter than the control.

AboutBoxDisplays the about dialog box.
ImageClearClears/Deletes the current image.
ImageCopyCopies the current image to the clipboard.
ImageLoadPrompts the user with a File Open dialog to load an image from disk.
ImageLoadBlobLoads an image from a Variant containing the raw image data.
ImageLoadFileLoads the image file specified in the FileName parameter. 
ImagePastePastes an image from the clipboard.
ImageResampleResamples the image to new dimensions/resolution.
ImageRotateRotates or mirrors the image (using lossless jpeg rotation if relevent).
ImageSavePrompts the user with a File Save dialog to save the image to disk.
ImageSaveFileSaves the image to the path passed in the FileName parameter.
ImageViewBlobDisplays the image contained in the ImageBlob argument.
ImageViewFileDisplays the image file referenced in the FileName argument.
IsImageModifiedReturns True if the image has been modified since it was opened.
TWAINAcquireDisplays the Acquire dialog to retrieve an image from a Scanner, Camera or other TWAIN compliant device.
ViewZoomInZooms In.
ViewZoomOriginalSizeZooms the image to display at 1:1 pixel resolution.
ViewZoomOutZooms Out.
ViewZoomToFitZooms the current image to fit exactly within the area of the control.
ViewZoomToHeightZooms to exactly fit the height of the image within the control.
ViewZoomToWidthZooms to exactly fit the width of the image within the control.

ClickFires when the user clicks on the control.
DblClickFires when the user double-clicks on the control.
ErrorFires when an error occurs.
ImageChangedFires when the image displayed in the control changes.
ImageClickedFires when the user clicks inside the image (except when panning, zooming etc).
ImageModifiedFires when an open image is modified.
MouseMoveFires when the mouse moves over the control.
MouseUpFires when a mouse-up event occurs.



Documentation version 2.0.0