DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

TWAINAcquire Method

Description:  Opens the TWAIN Acquire dialog to retrieve an image from a TWAIN device, such as a camera or scanner
Syntax:  boolean TWAINAcquire()
Return Value:  
True    An image was successfully acquired.
False    An error occurred, or the user cancelled the process.

After decoding the image it will be resampled (resized) if specified by the ImageResampleMode property, then encoded according to the ImageSaveFormat property (and any relevant format-specific property settings for JPEG, PNG etc).

The ImageModified. and ImageChanged events will be fired, and if DBPix is bound to a data-source the source will be updated.

See Cameras & Scanners for more information on the TWAIN user-interface.



Documentation version 2.0.0