DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

IsImageModified Method

Description:  Returns True if the image has been modified since it was opened.
Syntax:  boolean IsImageModified()
Return Value:  
True    The has been modified.
False    The has not been modified.

This method can be used to test if the image has been modified, and therefore needs saving/storing in an unbound or external-files solution. Alternatively, you can handle the ImageModified event to save the image directly whenever it is modified.

An image is modifed when editing (eg rotate, resample), deleting/clearing, or loading, pasting or acquiring a new image.

The image is initially 'opened' when it is loaded by data-binding, asigned to the Image property, or displayed using ImageViewFile or ImageViewBlob.

See also:
   ImageModified event
   ImageChanged event



Documentation version 2.0.0