DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

ImageViewBlob Method

Description:  Displays the image contained in the ImageBlob argument
Syntax:  boolean ImageViewBlob(VARIANT ImageBlob)
Return Value:  
True    The image was displayed successfully.
False    An error occurred.

Name    Type    Description

ImageBlob    VARIANT    Variant containing the image data.


ImageLoadBlob is functionally equivalent to assigning the image property, e.g.

    DBPixCtrl.Image = varImg
    DBPixCtrl.Image = rs("ImageField")
are equivalent to:
    DBPixCtrl.ImageViewBlob varImg
    DBPixCtrl.ImageViewBlob rs("ImageField")

If DBPix is bound to a data-source then the assignment of the image data happens automatically.

The ImageChanged event will be fired.

See also the ImageLoadBlob method.



Documentation version 2.0.0