DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

ImageRotate Method

Description:  Rotates or mirrors the image (using lossless jpeg rotation if relevent)
Syntax:  boolean ImageRotate(RotateOpType RotateOp)
Return Value:  
True    The image was rotated successfully.
False    An error occurred.

Name    Type    Description

RotateOp    RotateOpType    Selects the rotation or mirror operation to perform.


Constant    Value    Description

ImageRotate90    0    Rotate 90 degrees (90 CW).
ImageRotate180    1    Rotate 180 degrees.
ImageRotate270    2    Rotate 270 degrees (90 CCW).
ImageRotateHMirror    3    Horizontal Mirror.
ImageRotateVFlip    4    Vertical Mirror.


The ImageModified. and ImageChanged events will be fired, and if DBPix is bound to a data-source the source will be updated.

DBPix will use Lossless JPEG rotation for JPEG images where possible.
In cases where the image is not optimized for JPEG rotation the developer can specify whether the user is prompted to choose an action, or a particaular action used automatically, by setting the JPEGRotateWarning property.



Documentation version 2.0.0