DBPix Documentation
Version 2.0

Error Event

Description:  Fires when an error occurs - set 'CancelDisplay' to supress error display.
Syntax:  void Error(short Number, BSTR* Description, long Scode, BSTR Source, BSTR HelpFile, long HelpContext, boolean* CancelDisplay)

Name    Type    Description

Number    Short Integer    not used
Description    BSTR*    A String that indicates a description of the error
Scode    long Integer    An integer that indicates the status code of the error
Source    BSTR    not used
HelpFile    BSTR    not used
HelpContext    long Integer    not used
CancelDisplay    boolean*    Cancels display of the error do the user


Reports errors, such as corrupted or unrecognized images/files.

Handle this event and set CancelDisplay to True to prevent error messages being displayed, or to customize error handling.
This can be useful particaulrly when batch-processing, since otherwise the process will stall waiting for the user to dismiss any errors.



Documentation version 2.0.0